公司簡介和品牌文化:<br><br>milo是意大利一個民風純樸·風景宜人·如詩如畫·美食佳釀撲鼻留香的小鎮,也是本公司品牌定位的起源。<br>中國幾千年的飲食文化,特別是在四大菜系之首的粵菜精髓之鎮--順德。這里是魚米之鄉,食材豐富新鮮,人們勤勞·善良·飲食的文化底蘊非常濃厚。我們把登陸中國的第一站就確定在此地。<br>本公司的創辦人祖籍是地道的順德人,雖然一直在國外生活,但濃濃的中國情一直深藏于心底。希望能把不同的飲食文化健康的融合在一起。將西餐私房小館連鎖理念在中國得以推廣與發揚。<br>而milo美綠倡導的飲食概念就是綠色·健康·原汁原味~服務概念就是真誠·細心·不斷進取~<br><br>因公司發展需要,特向社會誠聘以下職位的精英,本公司薪酬福利待遇優厚,發展空間廣闊。熱忱歡迎有識之士加入<br><br><br><br><br>milo, is one of the panaromic italian small town in where people are nice and helpful. also, typical delicious home make italian food and wine are the key factors to attract visitors. the name milo, is how our restaurent being originated.<br>china has few thousand years history making delicious food and drink. especially yue cousin is well known to be the best of top 4 cousins in china. shun de, is classfied to be one of the best food culture area in yue cousin history.<br>shun de is located in pearl river triangle. food resources are excellent.<br>people there are nice and hardworking. they have excellent experience to make delicious food. this is one of the reason to challenge us to locate the first milo in shun de.<br>shun de is home town of the parents of milo's founder. even thought he has been in overseas for quite a number of years, his heart is still deeply in china. he wishes to bring the best of foreign food culture to mix with the beauty of shun de.<br>the attitude of milo is to emphasis green, healthy and taste original.<br>the goal of milo's service is sincere, care, and improving.<br><br>we sincere to invite people intereted in us to join.查看更多
- 公司名稱: 順德區容桂美綠休閑餐廳
- 公司狀態: 注銷
- 行業: 餐飲業
- 公司類型: 個體戶
- 地址: 佛山市順德區容桂振華居委會培才路5、7、9號
- 法人代表: 張駿
- 注冊資本: 3000人民幣
- 注冊時間: 2011年12月20日
- 注冊號: 440681601020323
- 登記機關: 佛山市順德區市場監督管理局
- 注冊地址: 佛山市順德區容桂振華居委會培才路5、7、9號
- 營業期限: 2011-12-20至無固定期限
- 核準日期: 2018年05月09日
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當前位置: 人才網 > 順德人才網 > 順德區容桂美綠休閑餐廳招聘
手機版: 順德區容桂美綠休閑餐廳招聘