德威電工廠有限公司成立於1972年, 主要業務是電木產品加工, 現設廠於深圳石巖。酚醛模塑料(電木粉)是德威貿易有限公司其中一項主要的經營產品。自2000年起,德威延伸產品項目至PBT模塑料及尿塑粉(電玉粉),從而進一步提供客戶在工程塑料市場上的選擇。耐高溫及電汽性能好的DUREZ152是美國客戶的首選, PM9820是MICRO BOBBIN 的主要原料,長春PBT質量妣美日本及美國名牌,價格及理想,電木粉是煮食用具的理想原料 Since 1972, Dowell Electric Works Ltd. has been the major thermosetting molding plastic product manufacturer in South China. Our annual consumption of phenolic molding compound is above 200 Metric Tons constantly. With customers of famous brand names all around the world. In 1994, we established Dowell Trading Company, Ltd. to serve as the major supplier providing thermosetting and thermoplastic molding material as well as other chemical materials to the manufacturers and vendors in Great China Area. With more than 28 years experience on molding compound and production technology, Dowell Electric Works Ltd. and Dowell Trading Company Ltd. will definitely be the major manufacturer and supplier in 21st century and beyond. Dowell will continue to work closely with you as a partner !查看更多
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