公司介紹 元富科技股份有限公司 (AFOX CORPORATION) 成立于2008年, 成立之初為全球知名富士康集團之關系企業,后獨立經營并以AFOX品牌聞名全球,為高科技民營企業典范 , 擁有180多位核心品牌銷售團隊、研發與生產員工,總部位于深圳市福田區市中心,在香港、美國、莫斯科、臺灣等地都設有辦事處。本公司自主品牌AFOX涵蓋顯卡、主板、電源、風扇、液態硬盤等計算機硬件相關產品,擁有良好信譽與產品質量,至2016年2月為止,總計已銷往全球50多個國家,涵蓋歐洲、北美、東南亞、東北亞、前蘇聯、中東與南美等多個區域,為亞洲與歐洲數個知名IT品牌以及B2B解決方案供應商,集應用硬件研發、制造、系統集成、銷售服務、營銷支持等為一體的高新技術公司。 元富科技成立以來專門從事于計算機與信息產業新產品和新技術的開發、制造、推介、銷售及服務。員工95%都具有大專以上學歷,公司擁有一支年輕化,知識化,勇于學習與創新的隊伍,是國際計算機硬件相關產品品牌的領先者。每年指派表現優秀之外貿銷售代表出國,代表公司參加德國、迪拜、美國、臺灣、香港等地之專業展覽。本公司在硬件、技術、服務、營銷領域不斷創新、開拓,擁有一系列經客戶高度認可的計算機硬件產品解決方案,幫助各國客戶拓展市場、建立品牌銷售、提高利潤,并提供完善售后服務。本公司并同政府、商業、銀行、公關、工業、醫療、保險、倉儲、物流等諸多領域的單位建立良好的合作關系。 一直以來,元富科技都秉承“客戶第一、市場導向”的理念,以“激情、信心、耐心、責任心”,向著全球領先的品牌目標邁進。 公司詳細地址:深圳市福田區濱河大道5003號愛地大廈西座16樓F(濱河大道、彩田路、福強路交界處) 公司電話:(-2848 , (-4651 地鐵站點:崗廈公交站點:聯合廣場 公司有一套健全的福利體系_58_ 1. 公司實行五天制,周末雙休。并按照國家規定的法定節假日休假,并有婚假、帶薪年假、帶薪病假等。 2. 在國家規定的每年5天年假的基礎上,公司按照年資額外給予正式員工每年2至7天的帶薪年假,總計每年可享有7至12天的帶薪年假福利。 3. 公司每年年終雙薪。 4. 正式入職當月即為員工購買五險一金, 解決員工后顧之憂。 5. 為員工提供工作相關的通訊補貼、崗位補貼、人身保險。 6. 優秀員工獎勵,含出國旅游、現金、積效獎金、免費進修等。 7. 公司每年組織2次旅游活動,包括交通、食宿、活動等,全額由公司負擔。 8. 公司員工享受公司過節禮品和生日祝福。 具體要求 一、熟悉外貿流程,有一年以上外貿業務工作經驗,能力優秀應屆畢業生亦可; 二、,優秀的英語聽、說、讀、寫能力,善于獨立和客戶溝通,了解客戶意圖達成貿易合作; 三、有計算機硬件產品等電子相關外貿從業經驗者優先; 四、學習能力,適應性強,有責任心,有團隊合作精神,能承受外貿工作壓力,自我解壓能力強。 待遇:底薪+提成(具體面議)。 崗位職責 要求:大專以上學歷,英語口語流利,普通話標準,責任心強,有良好的團隊協作精神和溝通能力,并能獨立接待國內外客戶,在已掌握貿易及出口流程基礎上能通過展會及網絡平臺等多種渠道,獨立開展外貿及內銷業務,開發客戶。能踏實工作,能吃苦耐勞,虛心好學。 1.獨立開發海外客戶,維系老客戶,銷售產品; 2.積極與外商進行溝通談判,促使客戶訂單; 3.制作各項外貿單據,并做好跟單工作; 本公司五天工作制,工作地點福田。 待遇面議,歡迎優秀外貿人才加入! 工作地址 深圳福田區濱河路5003號愛地大廈西座16F 1. 年齡_58_ 22-30歲, 學歷不限, 男女不限。 2. 較好的英語溝通表達能力和溝通技巧,英語要求發音清晰,表達清楚,親和力強。 3. 能電話與客戶溝通,有良好的表達能力、溝通能力,具客戶服務意識。 4. 有電子行業相關經驗,有一定的銷售經驗者優先; 5. 可接受應屆畢業生,要求為英語4級以上,或外語、英語或國際貿易專業畢業。 6. 性格開朗,有一定的抗壓能力,踏實肯干。 7. 能適應國外出差。 待遇:面議。 公司本著以人為本的概念進行管理,福利待遇優厚,工作環境優越。公司隊伍年輕強大,有很好的團隊精神,外貿業務員每年還有兩次出國參展機會。 AFOX是一個學習和發展的好平臺,請不要錯過展示和提升自己的機會,歡迎加入AFOX TEAM! 外貿業務員工作職責 一、現有客戶維護和新客戶開發: 1.現有客戶關系維護 1)處理好定單和售后服務,保證交貨期和產品質量,協調與客戶之間的關系。 2)適時對重點客戶制定相應的促銷和優惠政策,并提供一定程度的廣宣支持,塑造良好的企業和品牌形象。 3)及時向客戶提供我司最新產品信息和產品價格更新。 2.新客戶開發 通過展會、網絡、走訪市場及其他途徑努力開拓市場,尋找新的客源。 二.其他相關職責: 1.外事接待 2.建立客戶檔案,產品檔案,質量信息反饋表和制定出口貨物統計臺帳。并對每筆定單的技術狀態表、形式發票、銷售合同及附件進行備份,以備查用。 3.留意市場動態并收集相關產品和市場信息,統計、整理、歸檔。 4.提交周/月/季度報表和年度總結。 本公司五天工作制,工作地點在福田。 待遇面議,歡迎優秀外貿人才加入! 公司有一套健全的福利體系_58_ 1. 公司實行五天制,周末雙休。并按照國家規定的法定節假日休假,并有婚假、帶薪年假、帶薪病假等。 2. 在國家規定的每年5天年假的基礎上,公司按照年資額外給予正式員工每年2至7天的帶薪年假,總計每年可享有7至12天的帶薪年假福利。 3. 公司每年年終雙薪。 4. 正式入職當月即為員工購買五險一金, 解決員工后顧之憂。 5. 為員工提供工作相關的通訊補貼、崗位補貼、人身保險。 6. 優秀員工獎勵,含出國旅游、現金、積效獎金、免費進修等。 7. 公司每年組織2次旅游活動,包括交通、食宿、活動等,全額由公司負擔。 8. 公司員工享受公司過節禮品和生日祝福。 AFOX Corporation Limited AFOX Corporation was established in 2008 after 6 years OEM experience under the name of APOGEE B.S. Today, with headquarters in Hong Kong and Taiwan, the company employs 180 people; hosts a manufacturing plant in Shenzhen; engages Ru0026D in both China and Taiwan; and boasts representative offices in USA, China and Russia. Businesswise, it still holds the manufacture of graphic cards at its core, but additionally offers CPU coolers, Motherboards, Power Supply and - the latest in its growing product-range - SSD series. Quality being the highest among several well-founded priorities, AFOX works continuously to ensure the stability of its products - a policy which has secured its position as a recognizable brand with manifold compatibility and a rapidly expanding market presence. In testament to its vision, the company has penetrated markets worldwide and cemented a client-base in Japan, Australia, Russia, Germany, Poland, the USA, South African Republic, China, UAE and Iran, all in the last two years. It has now turned its attention to the western European Market and is currently inviting other companies to take part in its ever-growing success. Advantages There are many advantages innate to a partnership with AFOX_58_ 1. A Big Offer AFOX graphic cards support both NVIDIA Geforce and AMD Radeon chipsets and the company can provide a variety of low to high-end graphic cards with various new models released monthly. Popular, older designs are also constantly reinvigorated with improved solutions such as better cooling systems or additional outputs. Overall, a selection of 130 models is available, satisfying all possible tastes and demands. 2. Excellent price-quality deal AFOX’s VGA products are the result of its specialized knowledge in the IT industry and a vigorous 22 test procedure is applied to all models, ensuring that demands for high quality are met with exactitude. In addition, the company implements ISO 9001 standards and complies with ROHS. AFOX products compare favorably with well-known brands, are consistently offered at competitive price levels and have a low failure rate, allowing for the secure provision of a twenty-four month warranty. 3. Swift and secured time-to-market AFOX applies its own Ru0026D, which guarantees fast time-to-market delivery. Moreover, its cooperation with Foxconn ensures supply base stability, lead time minimization and a reduction in chipset shortages. 4. Special offers for gamers AFOX is especially determined to satisfy the growing needs of the affluent gaming population around the world. Therefore, advanced new models with sophisticated graphics are continuously launched. 5. Design AFOX builds image and brand awareness around carefully considered details, from production to packaging to promotion to post-sales support. In cooperation with German gaming innovator Koch Media GmbH, it fashions superior retail packaging designs with motifs from the game Sacred 2. Furthermore, AFOX graphic cards are award-winning design leaders, both the Nvidia Geforce and AMD Radeon series won the Original Design Award (Russia), Reddot Award (UK), Silver Mark (Japan) etc. 6. Marketing support AFOX offers continuous marketing support to its partners through the provision of catalogues, VGA stands, free gifts to customers and a wide variety of promotional gadgets. Over and above these material supplies, extended marketing assistance is universally available and a Marketing Development Fund is also approved to contracted partners as a matter of course. 7. After sales support AFOX makes both technical and advisory support available to partners at all times. It further offers flexible terms of warranty for customers to chose from and a promotion consultancy service. However, while the company will freely give advice when called upon, it is also open to the suggestions of its partners so that business development can be mutually pursued with ideas from both sides. The AFOX name AFOX is a combination of the Greek letter α (alpha), foreshortened and transliterated as the letter “A”, and the English word “Fox” - a sleek and elegant creature renowned for its tenacity, intelligence and streetwise adaptability. (or “inexhaustible solution-making capacity”) Alpha was chosen symbolically for its position at the head of the Greek alphabet_58_ it is the essential starting point from which all that follows must necessarily flow. In this sense, the AFOX mission is to deliver products that rise to the alpha standard_58_ the company is a forerunner seeking excellence in the 21st Century market place. The Fox has two possible connotations. The first is a reference to the previous mother company, Foxconn, and an acknowledgment of AFOX’s connection to them. The second refers directly to the animal and inspires images of the resourceful dexterity that AFOX employs to persist as a significant market player. However, what separates AFOX from the fox of lore is the company’s commitment to ethical concerns_58_ AFOX does not apply its cunning to trickery, but rather channels its skillfulness, invention and knowledge into the development of products that cater ingeniously to customer needs. AFOX Logo The AFOX logo is a fox’s face, streamlined and focused_58_ the embodiment of readiness. Its design simultaneously resembles the shields carried by ancient warriors and echoes the shape of a precious stone. This conveys both the company’s capability for accomplishment and its commitment to delivering products of supreme quality. Further, the logo conjures memories of a videogame character in reflection of AFOX’s origins as a graphic card developer. Here, the fox places emphasis upon the company’s affiliation with gamer demand. For Contact CHINA AFOX CORPORATION CHINA_58_ 16F, Ai-Di Building (West), No. 5003, Bin-He Road, Futian District, Shenzhen City, GuangDong Province, , China. Tel_58_ + Website_58_ TAIWAN AFOX CORPORATION TAIWAN (Coordinative Office) 2F, No. 22, Lane 281, Longjiang Road, 104, TAIPEI CITY, TAIWAN TEL_58_ + US and CANADA AFOX AMERICA Inc. 114 Barksdale Professional Center, City of Newark, County of New Castle, DE , USA Call Send SMS Call from mobile Add to Skype Youu0026#39;ll need Skype Credit Free via Skype查看更多
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