憑借對設計的熱忱與追求,一群來自世界各地在室內設計領域富于經驗的設計師志同道合的走到一起,組建了STUDIO H設計事務所,專業為國際品牌酒店提供室內設計及顧問服務。 With enthusiasm in the pursuit of quality design, a group of international designers with extensive experience in the field, come together to established STUDIO H, a hospitality interior design company.我們的設計主創成員均為在世界頂級設計公司積累了豐富項目經驗的外籍及外籍華裔資深設計師。他們在室內設計的方案、效果圖表現、物料、藝術品配飾等方面各有卓越的能力。其參與及主導的項目遍及美洲、歐洲及亞洲,對國際各大酒店品牌有著深刻的理解,與多家國際著名酒店管理公司有著良好的合作關系。 Our creative design members served many years in the world’s top international interior design firms, accumulated rich experience in both foreign and domestic projects. We have strong abilities in space planning, both hand and computer renderings, material, artwork and accessory selections.Our members have participated in projects throughout the Americas, Europe and Asia, have deep understanding of major international hotel brand requirements, as well as a good working relationship with renowned hotel management companies. 五天雙休制,薪資福利優厚,分享多多,五險一金,員工體檢,年度旅游,文體活動豐富, 工作環境輕松自由,設計氛圍濃厚,每天精美下午茶,共享休閑時光,更有意想不到的驚喜,期盼您的加入!查看更多
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