無錫威孚高科技集團股份有限公司,是業績優良的A、B股上市公司,中國企業500強。目前公司擁有13家全資和控股子公司,4家中外合資企業,總資產超100億元,員工5000余人,產品覆蓋內燃機進氣系統、內燃機燃油噴射系統、機動車尾氣后處理系統。公司產品為國內各大汽車廠和柴油機廠配套,并遠銷美洲、中東、東南亞等地區。公司擁有雄厚的研發力量、先進的制造技術和完善的銷售服務網絡,并堅持不懈地致力于技術創新、研發實力的提升和服務體系的完善,主要技經指標連續30余年保持國內同行業領先地位,主導產品“錫字牌油泵油嘴”被評為“中國名牌”,“錫字牌”商標被評為“中國馳名商標”。 目前,威孚公司正跨入一個嶄新的發展階段。依托“企業技術中心”、“博士后科研工作站”、“國家高技術研究發展計劃成果產業化基地”優勢,公司正打造國內一流的汽車零部件工程測試中心,致力于汽車核心零部件新產品研發。依托50年發展所積累的技術、制造、采購、營銷和管理優勢,威孚人正以國際化的視野,創造性地集成優勢資源,以高品質的產品與服務,滿足客戶高標準需求,以優秀的員工團隊,打造中國汽車核心零部件領導品牌,向著“汽車(動力工程)核心零部件國內領軍者”戰略新目標奮勇邁進。 Company Introduction Weifu High-technology Group Co., Ltd. (WEIFU) is a well profitable company with A and B shares. With a total capital of 10 billion RMB , over 5000 employees, thirteen wholly or mostly-owned subsidiaries and four joint ventures, WEIFU is appraised as one of the Top 500 enterprises in China. The product family includes air management system、fuel management system and after-treatment system, which are delivered to automobile OEMs and diesel engine manufactures not only in China but also in the Middle East, Southeast Asia and America. WEIFU possesses strong research and development capability, advanced manufacturing technology and a mature sales and service network, and still strives to further develop these advantages. Its main technical and economic indicators rank among the top in the industry for over 30 years. Its brands of oil pump and nozzle are praised as “famous Chinese brands”, and the trademark “XI”as Famous Trademark of China. Currently, WEIFU has entered into a new era. With the National Enterprise Technology Center, Post-doctoral Research Station and Industrialization Site of National High Technology Research and Development Achievements, WEIFU is devoting to establish a top automobile components testing center and R&D of the new products of the main automobile components. Relying on the 50 years’ experience in technology, manufacturing, purchasing, marketing and management, with the global visions, we have creatively integrated all resources; we have high quality products and service to meet customers’various requirements and we have qualified and diligent employees, and we are now on the road towards to being a leading supplier of key components in automotive industry. 1958: 勞動局技校轉為無錫內燃機廠,制造出中國第一付噴油嘴。 The Technical School under Labor Bureau was transferred to Wuxi Internal Combustion Engine Plant which produced the first nozzle in China. 1965: 更名為"無錫油泵油嘴廠"。 It was renamed as “Wuxi Fuel Injection Equipment Factory”. 1966: 制造出我國第一代多缸I 型泵、A型泵樣泵,S系列噴油器試制成功。 It produced the first generation of domestic muliti-cyfinder I pump, type A pump and successfully manufactured S series injectors. 1984: 與德國BOSCH公司簽訂引進A型泵獲許可證協議:成立"無錫油泵油嘴集團公司", 引進產品A型泵開始批量生產。 It signed an agreement with Germany BOSCH to acquire type A pump license, established Wuxi Fuel Injection Equipment Group Company, and began the mass production of the introduced type A pump. 1992:"無錫油泵油嘴集團公司"改組為"無錫威孚股份有限公司"。 Wuxi Fuel Injection Equipment Group Company was reorganized into Wuxi Weifu Fuel Injection Co., Ltd. 1995:"蘇威孚B"股在深圳證券交易所上市。 “Su Weifu B”shares publicly listed on Shenzhen Securities Exchange. 1997: 對"南京油泵油嘴廠"跨地區并購重組,更名為"南京威孚金寧有限公司", 成為公司VE分配泵生產基地。 It reorganized and purchased Nanjing Fuel Pump & Nozzle Factory and was renamed as Nanjing Weifu Jinning Co.,Ltd. , which became a VE distribution pump production base. 1998:"蘇威孚A"股在深圳證券交易所上市; "Su Weifu A” shares publicly listed on Shenzhen Securities Exchange. "無錫威孚力達催化凈化器公司"成立,開始生產尾氣后處理系統產品。 Wuxi Weifu Lida Catalytic Converter Co., Ltd was founded for the manufacturing of exhausted gas treatment system. 1999:經政府批準,公司成立博士后科研工作站; With government’s approval, Post-doctor Science and Research Workstation set up. 滿足柴油機"國Ⅰ"排放的PW、VE泵開發成功; Successfully developed PW and VE pump meeting China I Emission standard for diesel engine. 滿足汽油機"國Ⅰ"排放的尾氣凈化器開發成功。 Successfully developed exhausted gas purifier meeting China I Emission standard for gasoline engine. 2000:"無錫威孚股份有限公司"更名為"無錫威孚高科技股份有限公司"; 獲批國家認定企業技術中心和國家高技術研究發展。計劃成果產業化基地 ; 滿足輕型柴油機"國 I"排放的PL泵開發成功。 Wuxi Weifu Fuel Injection Co., Ltd.was renamed as Wuxi Weifu High-technology Co., Ltd. With the government’s approval, it was recognized as Enterprise Technology Center and Industrialization Base of State High-technology Research and Development Achievement. It also successfully developed PL pump meeting China I Emission standard for light-duty diesel engine. 2002: 滿足重型柴油機"國Ⅱ"排放的PW2000泵開發成功;滿足汽車機"國Ⅱ"排放尾氣凈化器開發成功。 Successfully developed PW2000 pump for heavy-duty diesel engine to meet ChinaⅡ emission standard ,and developed exhausted gas purifier for gasoline engine to meet China Ⅱ emission standard. 2003: 滿足輕型車用"國Ⅱ"排放的PM、VE泵開發成功。 Successfully developed PM and VE pump for light-duty vehicle engine to meet China Ⅱ emission standard. 2004:滿足汽油車(機)"國Ⅲ"排放的尾氣凈化器開發成功。 Successfully developed exhausted gas purifier for gasoline engine to meet China Ⅲ emission standard. 2005:增壓器開發成功并開始批量生產。 Successfully developed and began mass production of turbocharger. 2007:滿足柴油機"國Ⅲ"排放的CB18和CPN2.2BL電控高壓變量泵開發成功。 Successfully developed CB18 & CP2.2BL electric-controlled high-voltage variable pump for diesel engine, meeting China III emission standard. 滿足柴油機“國Ⅲ”排放的電控VE泵開發成功。 Developed electric-controlled VE pump for diesel engine , meeting China III emission standard. 滿足柴油車(機)"國Ⅲ"排放的DOC開發成功。 Developed DOC for diesel engine , meeting China IV emission standard. 滿足汽油車(機)"國Ⅳ"排放的尾氣凈化器開發成功。 Developed exhausted gas purifier for gasoline engine , meeting China IV emission standard. 2008: 滿足柴油機"國Ⅲ"排放的增壓器開發成功。 Successfully developed turbocharger for diesel engine to meet China Ⅲ emission standard. 2009: 滿足船用(固定動力)大功率柴油機P9W泵研發成功。 Successfully developed P9W pump for high-power marine diesel engine with stationary power. 滿足柴油車(機)"國Ⅳ"及以上排放的SCR系統開發成功。 Successfully developed SCR system for diesel engine to meet China IV and above emission standard. 2010: "無錫威孚高科技股份有限公司"更名為"無錫威孚高科技集團股份有限公司"。 Wuxi Weifu High-technology Co., Ltd. was renamed as Wuxi Weifu High-technology Group Co.,Ltd. 2010: 成立“寧波威孚天力增壓技術有限公司”。 Ningbo Weifu Tianli Turbocharging Technology Co., Ltd. was established. 燃油噴射系統 燃油噴射系統產品廣泛使用于各檔功率的柴油機,為各類載貨車、客車、工程機械、船用、發電機組等配套。在做好國內配套同時,還向美洲、東南亞、中東等地區出口。產品不僅能滿足歐Ⅰ、歐Ⅱ、歐Ⅲ排放法規柴油機的配套要求,并已研發出滿足歐Ⅳ排放法規的產品。產品品種系列、生產規模、市場占有率、經濟效益連續多年位居行業第一。目前“錫字牌”油泵產品年銷量超百萬臺。 FUEL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM The products of fuel management system are widely used in diesel engines of different power rates. They are applied to trucks, buses, engineering machines,muriens and generates sets. Besides providing supporting products in China, we also exports products to America, South-east Asia and Middle East. The products can meet Euro I, Euro II and Euro III Emission Regulations and we have developed the products meeting Euro IV Emission Regulations. Our product category, producing scope, market share and economical benefits have ranked the first place within the field for several years. Currently, the annual sales volume of the pump products with Brand XI have passed one million sets. 進氣系統 進氣系統產品增壓器輪徑范圍從30mm-125mm全系列覆蓋,配套國內絕大多數小缸徑柴油機廠和部分6缸柴油機廠家,可滿足輕、重型商用車和部分乘用車需求。公司現已擁有滿足歐Ⅳ、歐Ⅴ排放法規的真空閥控制及電控可變截面增壓器、鈦鋁合金增壓器、電動增壓器和陶瓷滾珠軸承增壓器等產品,以及部分品種的汽油機增壓器產品。 AIR MANAGEMENT SYSTEM The wheel diameters of turbocharger of air management system products cover from 30mm to 125mm. Our trubocharger can be applied in the products of most domestic small-cylinder diesel engine factories and some of six-cylinder diesel engine factories. They can meet the requirements of light and heavy commercial vehicles, and some passenger vehicles. We can produce variable cross-section turbocharger controlled by vacuum valves and electricity, titanium alloy turbocharger, electric turbocharger, ceramic ball-bearing turbocharger and turbocharger for some types of gasoline engines . These products all meet Euro IV and Euro V Emission Regulations. 后處理系統 后處理系統產品核心技術已達到世界先進水平,擁有國內領先的催化劑和后處理系統生產線,生產的催化劑、凈化器(含SCR、DPF)、消聲器、尿素噴射系統四大系列多個品種的后處理產品,達國Ⅳ(歐Ⅳ)及以上排放水平。 AFTER-TREATMENT SYSTEM The products of after-treatment system have reached the advanced level in the world. We owns the cutting-edge catalyst and after-treatment system production line to produce 4 categories of after-treatment products : catalyst, purifier (including SCR and DPF) , damper and DNOX system. These products can meet China IV and Euro IV Emission Regulations and above. 完善的營銷服務網絡體系 經過多年的努力,威孚公司建成了國內一流的營銷服務體系,集市場規劃 、技術開發 、精益銷售、優質服務于一體。目前公司已擁有100余家優質經銷商,在全國設立了22家服務中心,550多家特約維修站,250多個快修點,營銷服務網絡遍布全國,完善的銷售服務體系是公司在激烈的市場競爭中立于不敗之地的有力保障。 Perfect Marketing and Service System After years of hard work, WEIFU has built a first-class domestic sales and service system, which intergrated market planning, technology development, systematic sales and quality service all together. At present, our company has more than 100 excellent distributors and has established 22 service centers, 550 appointed service stations and 250 quick-fix sites, with the sales and service network throughout the nation. A perfect sales and service system guarantees the company’s indefectible position in the fierce market competition.查看更多
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