we understand your concerns:<br>to survive in the rapid changing market conditions, companies face numerous problems everyday. in order to stay ahead of competition, businesses must have a good grasp of their operational information to fully understand how their products and services are performed. as expenses such as labour and procurement of products constitute the major costs of business, being able to maintain a balance of incomes and expenses directly reflects the profitability and success of one's company.<br><br>who are we?<br><br>achiever solutions limited is one of the hong kong's leading specialists in developing enterprise resources planning (erp) and manufacturing resources planning (mrp) system since 1997. we provide “all-in-one” products and services to our clients. our system lets you handle operational and administrative tasks more efficiently by reducing the workload and allows you to have evaluation of your business to keep costs down to a minimum. in addition, our accounting system not only enables businesses to accurately measure and forecast their sales performance and profitability, it also consolidates their subsidiary operations to provide instant information for making critical business decisions.<br><br>why choose us?<br><br>instead of quality system, we know that excellent after-sales services enable a win-win situation between you and us. with our experienced it and customer-services team, you can be assured of having prompt back-up services, outstanding maintenance, as well as on-site professional training support. we aim at serving clients and delivery first-rate products and services of high efficiency, reliability, stability, and cost effectiveness<br><br>我們了解您的顧慮 <br><br>在急劇變遷的營商環境中,公司每天都需要面對無數問題。要成功生存下去,企業必須充分掌握他們的運作流程,了解自己的產品和服務表現。能否維持收支平衡,有效地善用人力資源,往往就成為企業成功與否的重要因素。 <br><br>我們是… <br><br>于1997年,展卓軟件有限公司(achiever)在香港成立,專門研發企業資源管理(erp)系統,致力為客戶提供全面的商業解決方案。透過我們專業的系統,您不單可有效率地處理所有行政事務,大大減低工作量,并能重新評估公司運作,令營運成本降到最低。<br><br>為何選擇achiever﹖ <br><br>除了優質的系統外,我們堅信完善的售后服務也非常重要。我們擁有一群富有經驗的技術人員和客戶服務人員,確保顧客享有實時的后勤支持、卓越的維修服務,以及專業的技術培訓,為您提供高效率、可靠、穩定而合乎成本效益的產品和服務。查看更多
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手機版: 香港展卓軟件有限公司招聘