神形互聯科技公司 由ibm母公司衍生而來, 總部位于美國加州硅谷。公司利用其獨創的神形互聯輸入技術,致力于為下一代手機、手寫電腦、各種觸屛設備提供令使用者賞心悅目的文字及指令輸入方法, 使其更有效、更易掌握及使用。公司同時與主要移動設備軟件、硬件公司合作將最新科技推向市場。u0026lt;bru0026gt;神形互聯科技公司北京分公司真誠歡迎具有工程專業背景、正直、有朝氣、有抱負立志創新并以自己的聰明才智造福社會的專業人士加盟。現有以下數個職位招聘。本公司提供員工優厚的待遇和專業發展空間,在這里您將有機會與享譽歐美的世界級計算機領域的專家一道工作,進一步開發和推廣獨有的專利技術。有興趣者,請將您的正式履歷、教育及研發背景介紹寄至本公司。u0026lt;bru0026gt;公司提供寬廣的舞臺和優厚的薪酬。如果你有理想、熱情和才能,讓我們一起證明。u0026lt;bru0026gt;shapewriter inc is an ibm technology spin-off company headquartered in silicon valley, california. the companyu0026#39;s mission is to make next generation mobile phones, tablet computers and any touch screen devices more useful – and user friendly – with our unique shape writing technology, which allows for efficient and delightful input of text and commands. the company partners with major companies in the mobile software and hardware companies to bring cutting edge technologies to the mass market.u0026lt;bru0026gt;shapewriter incu0026#39;s beijing office has a number of engineering positions open. we welcome ambitious engineers with professional integrity who aspire to make a significant impact in the world with their creative and technical work. we offer competitive compensation, career advancement, opportunity to develop patented technologies, and an opportunity to work with world-class experts in the us and europe. if you find yourself a good match with any of the following positions, please send your current curriculum vitae with cover letter to us.查看更多
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