香港斯創意有限公司是一家注冊在香港的美資企業,主要在亞洲范圍內從事家具、飾品、燈具以及原材料采購并向北美地區運銷。作為香港斯創意在亞洲區域的總部,2006年斯創意深圳代表處每月出口貨柜數超過2700個。為適應不斷增長的業務需要,我們面向社會公開招聘所述職位。<br>citigroup limited hk is one of the greatest american-invested furniture trading companies dealing with the sourcing and purchasing of asian products. as the headquarters of citigroup over asia, shenzhen representative office handles the shipment of more than 2,700 containers out of asia every month in 2006.<br><br>any candidate who interested in our positions please feel freely contacts us through.<br>公司將于9月15、16兩天在東莞智通人才市場設位現場招聘,歡迎求職者親臨。<br>please note the position you applied on the envelope; apologize for reject any unexpected visit in advance.查看更多
深圳市羅湖區地王大廈6110室 room 6110, diwang commercial center, 5002 shennan east road, shenzhen
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當前位置: 人才網 > 深圳人才網 > 香港斯創意有限公司(深圳代表處) citigroup limited shenzhen representative office招聘
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