美聯國際英語是美國ellis教育集團在華合作重點項目之一!<br>metro international training center is one of major programs in which ellis education group cooperated in china.<br><br>從1998至今,美國ellis教育集團在中國北京、上海、廣州、廈門、青島等20多個城市成立了教育合作機構,將流行歐美30余年的“ellis-based blended training system”英語學習法,引入中國,并取得了令人矚目的成就,為中國的英語教育翻開了嶄新的一頁,成為中國英語教育改革的先鋒。<br><br>2006年美國ellis教育集團正式將其在歐美及中國得到成功應用的“ellis-based blended training system ”英語學習模式引入重慶,與重慶億聯教育咨詢有限公司合作,我們正迅速在全國成立美聯國際英語連鎖培訓中心,旨在為企業、政府及個人提供先進的英語學習方案與環境,讓更多的英語學習愛好者體驗成功的樂趣!<br><br>ever since 1998, ellis group has set up a series of cooperated training centers in more than 20 cities including beijing, shanghai,guangzhou, xiamen and qingdao. the world-renowned ellis-based blended training system was introduced to chinese students, which has been widely applied in america and europe over 30 years. ellis has served millions of students successfully and become the vanguard in china’s english teaching renovation.<br><br>2006, the world-renowned ellis-based blended training system was introduced to chongqing, and cooperated with chongqing yilian education led, which has been widely applied in america and europe. metro international english training center is opening around china. we are providing new english learning moth, pure english environment for companies, officer and individual. your english dream will come true in metro. <br><br><br>(深圳市美聯國際英語學校正在籌辦中,相關執照未辦理完全)查看更多
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