a brief introduction to utahloy international school, guangzhou, china<br><br>* utahloy international school, guangzhou was approved by the ministry of education, beijing china on 14 july 1998.<br><br>* the school offers an international education for expatriate children residing in guangzhou.<br><br>* utahloy international school is owned by utahloy education foundation. the school is fully self-managed, under the auspices of the uef, a non-profit hong kong based foundation.<br><br>* the mission of utahloy international school-guangzhou is to run an efficient and effective school, providing a high standard of international education for children from 2 to 18 years of age. the school commenced with 50 children in kindergarten and primary classes, and by january 2008 enrolment has grown to 700.<br><br>* the curriculum delivery is in english and there are mother tongue programmes in chinese, french and german throughout the school and korean from grade 9 onwards. chinese is available as a foreign language throughout the school.<br><br>* utahloy international school emphasises high quality teaching, high standards of student achievement, high levels of student understanding of other cultures, good work habits and behaviour from its students and professional behaviour from its staff at all times.<br><br>* staff are qualified teachers and are recruited from the u.k., u.s.a., australia, canada , south africa, new zealand, france, germany and the netherlands.<br><br>* the school is proud of its location in china and through language and cultural activities seeks to ensure its students share in that culture.<br><br>* the school has a school governing council that meets 3 times a year.<br><br>* utahloy international school is a member of the council of international school and is authorized by the international baccalaureate organization.<br><br>please send your c.v.and other relative documents to:查看更多
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