premier devices inc. (shanghai) is a subsidiary of sirenza microdevices, whose headquarters is in broomfield, colorado. sirenza is a leading supplier of radio frequency (rf) components, design and develop rf components for the commercial communications, consumer and aerospace and defense (a&d) equipment markets, which has already gotten the certificates of iso and iso:2004 management system. in aug 2007, sirenza and rfmd, the global leader in gaas rfic manufacturing, announced they signed a merger agreement. this action will drive the design of ic of high performance and integrating skill enlarge to multi termination market, which means the company step into a new phase of a high speed.<br><br>rfmd (nasdaq: rfmd) has evolved from a provider of discrete components for handsets into a global leader in the design and manufacture of high-performance radio frequency systems and solutions for applications that drive wireless and broadband communications. rfmd was ounded in 1991 in greensboro, north carolina, usa. rfmd is the world’s number-one provider of power amplifiers (pas) for cellular handsets and is a trusted pa supplier to every major handset manufacturer. at rfmd, we promote creativity, wise decision-making, teamwork, ownership and personal development to benefit our employees, the company and, ultimately, our customers.<br><br>as the facility of rfmd in shanghai, we locate in xin zhuang industrial park, occupy square foot, which was built in apr. 2007. our diverse business lines to meet the dynamic challenges facing our customers. we currently have several vacancies and sincerely invite talents to join our rapid growing team. our recruiting email box:<br><br>上海圓通微波電子有限公司原是美國sirenza microdevices inc.在中國上海的子公司。是一家面向商業通信以及航空/航天和國防設備市場的高性能射頻(rf)元件設計商和供應商,其產品獲得了iso 質量管理體系以及iso :2004環境管理體系的認證。2007年8月,sirenza宣布與全球最大的gaas hbt半導體制造商之一rf micro devices, inc. (rfmd)合并。將使高性能ic設計與整合專業技能擴展到多個終端市場,從而預示著公司進入了一個高速發展的新階段。<br><br>rfmd(納斯達克交易代碼:rfmd)是一個從手機元器件供應商發展成為一個全球領先的高品質無線射頻系統和無線及寬帶通訊應用方案的設計和制造者。公司于1991年美國在北卡羅來納州格林斯博羅成立。rfmd同時也是全球最大的應用于手機的放大器供應商之一。在rfmd,我們提倡創造力,英明的決策,團隊精神,自主權和個人發展,從而使員工、公司和我們的終端客戶受益。<br><br>作為rfmd的上海工廠, 上海圓通微波電子有限公司位于莘莊工業區,占地10.7萬平方英尺,現有的無線射頻(rf)元器件高產能廠房于2007年4月正式投入運營,已建立了包括提供無線射頻(rf)產品、catv放大器、整合解決方案與制造方案等的多條業務,正逐漸成為人們尋求全球領先工程與制造合作伙伴的優先選擇。<br><br>公司目前有多個崗位空缺,現向社會各界優秀人才發出誠摯邀請,歡迎廣大有志之士前來應聘。有意者請將您的簡歷和相關資料投入本公司郵箱: <br>公司地址:上海市閔行區莘莊工業區春光路)<br>公司在上海體育館、南方商城、莘莊鎮、地鐵5號線銀都路站及浦東等均設有班車站點。查看更多
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