大北農科技集團簡介 <br>introduction of dbn sci-tech group <br><br><br>大北農科技集團是以邵根伙博士為代表的青年學農知識分子于1993年創辦的農業高科技企業。十余年來,大北農始終秉承“報國興農、爭創第一、共同發展”的企業理念,致力于以高科技發展中國的現代農業事業。 <br>dbn (da bei nong) sci-tech group is a high-tech enterprise in china, founded by a group of young agricultural scientists led by dr. shao, genhuo in 1993. after more than ten years development, dbn group has been engaged in the mission of “serving the nation, promoting the agricultural development, striving for excellence and cooperating with peer industries”, and committed to advancing the agricultural science and technology in china. <br><br>如今,大北農已發展成為以飼料、動保、種業、植保為主體的科技產業,以中國農民大學、農博網為兩翼的農業知識企業,擁有30名博士、70名碩士、5名享受政府津貼的高級專家組成的研發隊伍,5000多名員工、40多家生產企業、分公司和500多家專營店、1000多個縣級知識服務站的農業知識企業集團。 <br>dbn group has developed and become a hi-tech agricultural intelligent enterprise, composed of four major industries, feed, animal health protection, crop seeds and plant protection, integrated and aided with china farmer university and nongbo aweb. the group has about 5,000 employees, including 30 employees with earned ph.d. degrees and 70 masters, 5 senior experts with earned national government grant, and it is now operating more than 40 branches and factories, 500 specialty stores and above 1000 service stations located in counties of china. <br><br>大北農已是農業產業化國家重點龍頭企業、國家認定企業技術中心、中國飼料工業協會副會長單位、中國畜牧業協會副會長單位、中國動物保健品協會副會長單位、中國種業協會副會長單位、中國農業技術推廣協會副會長單位、中關村經濟20強企業等。集團總裁邵根伙博士于03年當選中關村十大優秀企業家。 <br>the group has been entitled as “key leading enterprise of national agricultural industry”, “top 20 economic enterprises in zhongguancun” and “national enterprise technical center”. dr. shao, genhuo, president and ceo of dbn group, has taken or is currently taking the positions of vice chairman of china feed industry association, vice chairman of china national agriculture technology spreading association, vice chairman of china animal agriculture association, and an executive director of china animal health products association, vice chairman of china seed association. dr. shao received the award of “10 excellent entrepreneurs in zhongguancun” in october, 2003. <br><br>進入21世紀以來,面對全球化、信息化、產業化和生物技術革命的挑戰。大北農同目標相比、同時代相比、同國際大公司相比,還有很大差距,還需要更加努力。我們深信,有社會各界領導、專家的關注與支持,有廣大農民朋友的厚愛與肯定,創建全球最大的農業知識企業的目標一定要實現,也一定能夠實現! <br>entering the 21st century and facing the challenges of globalization, innovation of information technology, industrialization and biotechnology revolution, dbn has clearly realized the existence of backward differences comparing with our missions, time standard and international peer companies. we believe we will finally and definitely reach our goal to create the world’s largest agricultural intellectual enterprise, with the kind concern and support from our society and experts, as well as our huge population of farmer friends. <br><br>大北農的事業是我們大家的事業! <br>dbn’s undertaking, worth our efforts. <br><br>大北農邀您共成功! <br>for success, dbn sci-tech group inviting you!查看更多
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