sybase and the unwired enterprise <br>founded in 1984, sybase is one of the largest independent software vendors in the world. we deliver end-to-end solutions for the unwired enterprise, including enterprise infrastructure business solutions, mobile software solutions for information management, development, and integration. with sybase, our customers gain maximum competitive advantage by getting maximum value from their information assets. <br>unlocking this value is a challenge. most of enterprise information is not readily accessible, sitting in information silos, blocked by incompatible legacy systems and hard-wired connections. sybase and the unwired enterprise unlocks that information and moves it to the point of action, increasing its relevance and enhancing the power of decisions and transactions. <br>enabling the unwired enterprise <br>the first step toward achieving the unwired enterprise is managing information across the enterprise. our proven and extensive track record in information management, information access, application development, and integration solutions allows our customers to extract more value from their it investments. our solutions unlock, integrate, and seamlessly deliver just about any type of data, whether in a database, a transaction, or an application. <br>the second step to enabling the unwired enterprise is to access and use information assets when and where it is needed. information must be delivered to the point of action so that professionals who work off the corporate campus and occasionally off the corporate network have the best information available-whenever it's required. our mobility solutions allow information to be easily accessed and to flow freely, anywhere, anytime, on any platform. sybase delivers an end-to-end mobile enterprise solution that includes everything from mobile databases, middleware, synchronization, and management software all the way to an industry-leading wireless portal, messaging, and ultralite-footprint databases. <br>to learn more about the unwired enterprise, click here. <br><br><br>提示: <br>1.英文簡歷優先閱讀,請在郵件正文頁面粘貼簡歷。 請同時提供中文簡歷做為參考。 <br>2.請在簡歷中按所述建議格式注明項目經驗。查看更多
- 公司名稱: 賽貝斯軟件(中國)有限公司
- 公司狀態: 注銷
- 行業: 軟件和信息技術服務業
- 公司類型: 有限責任公司(外國法人獨資)
- 地址: 北京市海淀區知春路51號慎昌大廈5層5517室
- 企業規模: -
- 法人代表: 紀秉盟(Mark Andrew John Gibbs)
- 注冊資本: 170萬美元
- 注冊時間: 1994年11月18日
- 注冊號: 110000410092092
- 統一社會信用代碼: 91110108600038934Y
- 組織機構代碼: 600038934
- 登記機關: 北京市工商行政管理局海淀分局
- 注冊地址: 北京市海淀區知春路51號慎昌大廈5層5517室
- 營業期限: 1994-11-18至2029-11-17
- 核準日期: 2017年12月27日
- 相關企業
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- 公司招聘
- 人才網
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當前位置: 人才網 > 東莞人才網 > 賽貝斯軟件(中國)有限公司招聘
手機版: 賽貝斯軟件(中國)有限公司招聘