索迪斯中國 索迪斯集團(SODEXHO)由皮埃爾.白龍先生創建于1966年,1983年在巴黎證券所上市,2000年于紐約上市,總部位于法國巴黎。 今天,憑借著四十年的豐富經驗,索迪斯聯盟已成為世界上最大的從事餐飲服務及綜合后勤管理的跨國公司之一,名列全球500強企業名錄。截止到2005年底,索迪斯聯盟全球擁有員工32.4萬人,在76個國家中設立了超過2萬個分支企業。 索迪斯作為首家國際化餐飲綜合服務公司于1995年登陸中國。目前,索迪斯在中國大陸設立了華北、華東、華南、華中四大區,北京、天津、沈陽、上海、青島、蘇州、無錫、杭州、南京、廣州、深圳、廈門、武漢等13個城市設有分支機構,擁有員工10,000多人。索迪斯致力于以專業的服務水準,為中國客戶提供優質后勤服務,培養一流人才、提供最佳客戶體驗,并為中國的社會經濟發展做出貢獻。 索迪斯業務范圍包括為工商企業、政府部門、旅游景點、學校、醫院等各類單位團體提供餐飲及各種后勤管理服務。 更多信息請關注公司網站 隨著索迪斯在華業務不斷發展及規模壯大,現誠邀英才加盟索迪斯中國。 SODEXHO China Founded in 1966 by Mr. Pierre Bellon, Sodexho made an initial public offering of shares on Paris Bourse in 1983 and on New York Stock Exchange in 2000 and set up its global headquarters in Paris, France. Today, with more than 40 years rich experience and successful operations in the five continents, Sodexho has become the largest multinational corporation in catering and facility management field around the world. As a global Fortune 500 company with more than 324,000 employees, Sodexho has established more than 24,000 contract operations in 76 countries by the end of 2005. In 1995, Sodexho was the first international catering and facility management company to launch its business in Mainland China. Today with more than 10,000 employees, Sodexho has established 4 regions in North, East, South and Central China, and has set up offices in 13 cities, Beijing, Tianjin, Shenyang, Shanghai, Qingdao, Suzhou, Wuxi, Hangzhou, Nanjing, Guangzhou, Shenzhen,Xiamen as while as Wuhan. Sodexho has always been committed to providing world-class professional total support services, training top talents, delivering the best client offerings, and more importantly contributing to the social and economic development in China. Sodexho business scope covers catering and facility management services for business corporations, government, landscapes, schools, and hospitals, etc. For more information, please visit our website: With fast growth and development in China, Sodexho cordially invites talents to join us.查看更多
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