諾馬集團成立于1949年,前身是拉斯姆森有限責任公司(德國),經過過去幾十年的發展已成為全球型重要的集團公司。諾馬集團在德國、英國、法國、西班牙、美國、澳大利亞、波蘭及新加坡均建立了子公司,通過全球40個當地代理公司建立了銷售分支機構,銷售商遍及世界各地。集團總雇員3000多人。<br>通過norma諾馬產品在全球的銷售,我們已經在連接技術市場奠定了領導地位。我們的連接及緊固元件產品已成為行業質量標準。<br>norma (china) want-ad.<br>founded in 1949, rasmussen gmbh (germany) has in the past decades developed to become a group of companies of global importance. today, this norma group operates subsidiaries in germany, england, france, spain, the usa, australia, poland and singapore. distribution is represented via 40 local agents and distributors in all parts of the world. the group employs some 3,000 people.<br>our technically superior, customer-oriented and practical connecting and retaining elements set the standard in quality. with these products, which we globally distribute under the brand name norma?, we have gained a leading position in the connecting technology market.<br>today, our customers in trade and industry can select from a product range of six product groups with a total of variants; i.e. almost any conceivable connection of fluid lines and pipes as well as its retention can be effected with a norma product. based on our experience in the field of connecting and retaining technology, we are established as a globally accepted and experienced specialist, problem solver and innovative development partner.<br>use our know-how and experience in connecting and retaining technology as well as our top quality products.<br>簡歷請發至公司郵箱查看更多
- 公司名稱: 諾馬(中國)有限公司
- 公司狀態: 在業
- 行業: 金屬制品業
- 公司類型: 有限責任公司(外國法人獨資)
- 地址: 青島市嶗山區株洲路51號
- 企業規模: 100-499人
- 法人代表: YEOH PIT WEE
- 注冊資本: 760萬美元
- 注冊時間: 2007年07月06日
- 注冊號: 370200400159144
- 統一社會信用代碼: 91370200661298983Y
- 組織機構代碼: 661298983
- 登記機關: 青島市市場監督管理局
- 注冊地址: 青島市嶗山區株洲路51號
- 營業期限: 2007-07-06至2037-07-06
- 核準日期: 2019年09月05日
- 相關企業
- 城市招聘
- 熱門職位
- 公司招聘
- 人才網
- 企業名錄
- 職場資訊
當前位置: 人才網 > 東莞人才網 > 諾馬(中國)有限公司招聘
手機版: 諾馬(中國)有限公司招聘