staff service(仕達富)成立于1981年,在澳大利亞、新加坡、中國(包括北京、大連、廣州、上海、香港)、日本、美國和英國等地擁有超過210個辦事處。現已發展為世界領先的雇員招聘和人力資源管理公司之一。2004年的營業額超過32億美元。我們計劃在全球范圍內,尤其是中國和亞太地區的戰略性城市進一步拓展。<br> 2002年9月仕達富進駐中國人才資源市場,在上海成立合資公司——上海仕達富新橋人才資源有限公司。并于同年11月獲得了上海市人事局頒發的《人才中介服務許可證》,使我們能夠向客戶提供更廣泛的人才資源服務。隨著分支機構在北京,廣州和大連設立,我們更加確保每位客戶都能享受一站式的優質便捷服務。<br>staffservice was established in 1981 and is one of the largest staffing providers in the world. annual turnover of 2004 was over us$3.2 billion. currently staff service has over 210 offices in australia, singapore, china (including beijing, dalian, guangzhou, shanghai and hong kong), japan, us and uk. in the pipelines are plan to cross borders and expand operations into strategic locations all across asia pacific.<br>staff service is a joint-venture licensed hr provider in china. in 2002, staff service shanghai was incorporated to provide a strong basis for the group’s growth in greater china. along with our representative offices in beijing, guangzhou and dalian were opened in year 2004 and 2005, we are fully committed to deliver comprehensive human resources solutions that best meet the high staffing demand of our clients. our goal is to help our clients save time and allow them to focus on their core business and to increase cost-effectiveness and operational efficiency.查看更多
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