breconridge is one of the top 50 electronics manufacturing services (ems) companies in the world. headquartered in ottawa, canada, breconridge has facilities located across the globe, in canada, the united states, the united kingdom, the prc and hong kong. breconridge employs state-of-the-art technology and world-class talent, it services customers in the telecommunications, industrial and consumer market sectors, breconridge delivers: design, process and test engineering services, component sourcing, global procurement, supply chain management, manufacturing, order fulfillment, and distribution services, along with after sales support, including product repair, refurbishment, warranty tracking and complete logistics services.<br> <br>breconridge facility in the prc is located in songgang, shnezhen. the facility is a joint venture with av concept limited, a hong kong listed company. it is an iso and iso certified facility with sq ft manufacturing area and 800 employees. the facility is equipped with leading edge surface mount technology, in-circuit testing, functional testing and optical communication and testing equipment. <br><br>breconridge is run by highly-skilled people who understand the need for efficiency and who enjoy the advantages of a well-managed enterprise. our mandate is linking inspiration, innovation and supply. to do that, we need talented people who are energized by change, ready for challenges and think 'outside the box'. our policy is simple: breconridge hires talented people and provides them with opportunities to make a difference. your efforts will be supported by professional resources and a positive work environment.<br><br>breconridge offers comprehensive training, career development prospects and competitive remuneration packages.<br><br>breconridge是世界排名前50名的電子產品制造商(ems)之一,公司總部設在加拿大渥太華,br的經營機構遍布全球,在加拿大,美國, 英國, 香港和中國大陸均設有分公司。br采用最先進的生產技術和招募世界一流的人才,我們的業務遍布通訊,工業,及消費者市場的各個領域。我們為客戶提供產品設計,加工,工程測試,電子原件開發,全球采購,供應鏈管理,生產制造,訂單履行,銷售運輸的服務,另外還有售后服務支持,包括 (產品維修,返新,保修期追蹤和完善的后勤服務).<br><br>breconridge在中國大陸的廠房設在深圳市寶安區松崗鎮。松崗卓和制品廠,是與香港先思行集團合資經營的來料加工廠,通過了 iso質量體系認證及iso環境體系認證。現有職員工800多人,廠房面積超過平方尺,廠內設備一流,包括高尖端技術的表面接焊生產線,ic測試,功能測試和光纖通訊等設備。<br><br>breconridge是在一支高效率、高技能的精英管理隊伍的領導下不段發展壯大的。我們的使命是把靈感、創新和供應相鏈接。因此,我們需要一批能適于變化,勇于挑戰和敢于創新的綜合型人才。br的用人政策很簡單,即是給人才提供一個發展創造的機遇。您的努力將會得到我們專業的資源和積極的工作環境的大力支持。<br><br>我們提供的基本福利:<br><br>1、每周5天、每天8小時工作制;車間職位按照勞動法計發加班費。<br>2、提供帶薪年假、婚假、產假等假日;<br>3、年度調薪;<br>4、為職員免費提供住宿及伙食補貼。<br>5、根據法律規定提供社會保險。<br><br>乘車路線:<br>乘車至松崗天虹商場(松崗鎮政府、寶利來酒店)下,乘坐4元摩托車至卓和電子廠即可。<br><br><br><br>此外,breconridge還為您提供全面的培訓,良好的事業發展前景和有競爭力的薪資報酬。查看更多
- 公司名稱: 深圳市寶安區松崗卓和制品廠
- 公司狀態: 注銷
- 行業: 橡膠和塑料制品業
- 公司類型: 來料加工
- 地址: 深圳市寶安區松崗街道樓崗大洋工業區8號
- 法人代表: 王海芳
- 注冊資本: 24.3萬人民幣
- 注冊時間: 1995年01月11日
- 登記機關: 深圳市市場監督管理局
- 注冊地址: 深圳市寶安區松崗街道樓崗大洋工業區8號
- 營業期限: 1995-01-11至2013-08-15
- 核準日期: 2012年04月11日
- 相關企業
- 城市招聘
- 熱門職位
- 公司招聘
- 人才網
- 企業名錄
- 職場資訊
當前位置: 人才網 > 中山人才網 > 深圳市寶安區松崗卓和制品廠招聘
手機版: 深圳市寶安區松崗卓和制品廠招聘