關于ef英孚 ef english first隸屬于英孚教育,于1965年在瑞典成立,在全球50多個國家設有語言培訓學校和辦公分支機構。在過去的幾十年里,已經超過200萬的人選擇在ef學習英語。我們獨特的“互融式”教學方法和高品質的課程使我們成為世界上最大的私人語言培訓機構。ef在中國擁有約65家培訓機構。他們為公司及個人學員提供著高品質的語言培訓和服務。ef的公司培訓能讓您真正感受到一個國際培訓機構的優勢在于:我們將高質量的教學,先進的教學設施與個性化的小班教學模式有機的結合起來。 ef 英孚教育40年大事記 1965 ef創始人bertill hult 先生組織400名瑞典學生去英國游學,開始語言游學之先河。ef 英孚教育由此誕生。 1979 ef在英國第一所學校被接受為arels會員。ef第一套系列教科書問世。 1981 英孚被廣受好評的英國廣播公司選中錄制英語磁帶。 1988 ef被指定為漢城奧運會官方英語語言學校。 1990 英孚成立了由10位世界頂尖語言專家所組成的顧問團-世界語言教學協會(wclt)。 1993 英孚成為首家進入中國的國際語言學校。 1997 英孚的planet arizona光盤獲得“最佳新軟件產品”稱號。 1999 英孚引入屢獲獎項的english@ef系列教材。 2000 所有英孚國際語言學校的課程都經過大學的認證和核準。 2001 ef英孚教育進駐武漢。 2004 英孚推出了efekta系統這一獨家方法,它將個性化教學和創新技術合二為一,加快了語言學習速度。 2005 ef武漢武昌學校開業 隨著ef 英孚教育武漢學校不斷壯大,我們需要積極主動,精力充沛,樂觀向上的你,與ef攜手,共創美好前程! about ef ef english first is part of ef education, founded in sweden in 1965 with language schools and admission offices in over 50 countries worldwide. in the past years, more than 2,000,000 people have chosen to learn a language with ef. our unique methods of immersion instruction and our commitments to the highest quality courses have made us the world’s largest private educational organization. we, ef english first, have nearly 65 language training centers all over china, which providing high quality english training products and services for the individuals and corporate clients. ef corporate language training can provide you with all the advantages of a major multi-national organization – high quality teaching and modern facilities combined with the personal attention of a smaller organization. ef english firsts history of excellence 1965 entrepreneur bertil hult takes a group of european students to england to study english. ef education is founded. 1979 ef educations first school in england is accredited. ef educations first text book series is published. 1981 ef is selected by the acclaimed bbc to produce english language cassettes. 1988 ef is selected as the official language school of the seoul olympics. 1990 ef forms the world council of language teaching, an advisory board comprising of ten of the worlds foremost language experts. 1993 ef english first becomes the first foreign language school in china. 1997 ef wins "best new software product" for its planet arizona cd-rom. 1999 ef introduces the english@ef series of textbooks which go on to win numerous awards. 2000 all ef international language school courses become university approved and university certified. 2001 ef english first comes to wuhan. 2004 ef unveils the efekta system, an exclusive method that combines personalized teaching with innovative technology to accelerate language learning. 2005 ef wuhan wuchang school opens. with ef english first wuhan school constantly growing, we need you, a proactive, energetic, optimistic, uplifting people to create a beautiful future with ef wuhan together!查看更多
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