為進一步發展中國教育培訓事業,我們盛情邀請有志于加入教育培訓事業的優秀人才加盟,共鑄人生輝煌!<br><br> 我們將為您提供一個展示自我的舞臺、一片揮灑激情的天空!我們將以獨特的企業文化,完善的發展通道,卓越的培訓體系,傾力打造優秀人才夢想與激情的舞臺!<br><br> 我們是由國內培訓界精英創辦、立足于國內培訓領域并具有國際視野的教育機構。目前以中小學課外培訓為核心,擁有少兒英語培訓體系、中小學英語同步培訓體系、中小學數學同步培訓體系和企業培訓體系,與國內多家著名高等學府保持密切聯系。<br><br> 我們以構建中國卓越的課外教育體系為目標,提出并堅持“夢想、勵志、快樂”的教育理念。熟悉中小學教育體系,擁有深厚的學術功底、強勁的研發能力和強烈的進取精神,對教學內容、教材研發、授課質量、環境服務等多個方面進行創新,引領廣大中小學生輕松快樂度過美好的學習時光、夢圓名校。<br><br> 我們研發了大批擁有自主知識產權的培訓教材,采用國際教育集團多年培訓研究成果及經典教材。由來自國內最著名培訓機構的管理者和教師組建了卓越的管理團隊和優秀的教師陣容,為廣大中小學生課外培訓提供優質、全面的解決方案。<br><br>introduction of beacon education<br> founded by elite of training circles from home and abroad, beacon education is an educational institution with international views, which bases upon domestic training. beacon education boasts an outstanding management team, which consists of the administrative personnel from the most authoritative domestic training institutions, and an authoritative teaching staff, which consists of either qualified teachers from the former authoritative domestic training institutions or authoritative teachers from former prestigious public schools, who join hands to provide authoritative cramming courses suitable for massive primary and middle school students. so far, we have been emphasizing extracurricular trainings for primary and middle school students. we have also developed english training systems for kids and middle school students, math training systems for both primary and middle school students, and vip course systems.<br> aiming at building outstanding extracurricular education systems here in china, beacon education has put forward and has been adhering to the education spirit of “ dream, encourage, enjoy”. being familiar with primary and middle school education systems, we boast a deep academic foundation, profound r& d abilities and a strong initiative spirit. we have brought forth new ideas about teaching contents, textbooks’ r&d, teaching quality, and services for students etc, so we are sure to enable our students to enjoy a happy time studying here and realize their dreams of being admitted to prestigious middle schools and universities.<br> beacon education has researched and developed a batch of training materials of our self-owned intellectual property rights. we also use r&d results and authoritative textbooks from some international teaching groups, which they themselves have been using for years. being in close contacts with primary and middle schools, and prestigious universities and colleges from home and abroad, we apply the latest researching achievements and education spirits to our training systems. having also taken our local students’ studying and examination situations into consideration, we are developing tailor-made training programs to enable students to make the greatest progress in the shortest time, which combine happy study and encouraging education with improving their marks perfectly.<br><br><br><br><br>福利:<br>1、員工期權計劃:完善的長效激勵機制,員工的價值得到充分體現;<br>2、完善的福利:社保、節日費、節日禮品、年度體檢;<br>3、豐富的員工活動:旅游、體育活動、生日會、員工沙龍;<br>4、全面的培訓機制:提供全面的專業培訓,為員工發展提供有力保障;<br>5、快速的晉升通道:優秀者將得到快速晉升,提供燃燒激情、實現夢想的大舞臺。<br><br>對于符合條件的應聘者,我們將及時通知面試時間,未收到面試通知而自行前往者恕不接待。<br><br>查看更多
- 公司名稱: 深圳培聯文化發展有限公司
- 公司狀態: 吊銷
- 行業: 商務服務業
- 公司類型: 有限責任公司
- 地址: 深圳市南山區桃園路1號西海明珠花園地面商鋪113B12
- 法人代表: 劉福榮
- 注冊資本: 3萬人民幣
- 注冊時間: 2008年10月30日
- 注冊號: 440301103687091
- 登記機關: 深圳市市場監督管理局
- 注冊地址: 深圳市南山區桃園路1號西海明珠花園地面商鋪113B12
- 營業期限: 2008-10-30至2018-10-30
- 核準日期: 2013年02月11日
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當前位置: 人才網 > 寧波人才網 > 深圳培聯文化發展有限公司招聘
手機版: 深圳培聯文化發展有限公司招聘