tebs ( tyco/electronics battery systems )是泰科集團的一個著名品牌,以設計、組裝、生產鋰電池為主,主要客戶涉及著名品牌的手機、筆記本電腦、數碼照相機、醫療器材等。 tebs 成立于 1975 年,美國芝加哥,并于 2000 年在上海設立了生產基地,成為瑞侃電子(上海)有限公司 (raychem) 的一個十分重要的事業部。發展至今,員工人數已經超過 1000 人, tebs 上海遵循泰科的 “ 誠信、團隊合作、卓越、負責任 ”的價值觀,正迅速成長為世界鋰電池領域的佼佼者。為配合公司業務的進一步發展,現誠聘有志人士加入我們大家庭。 <br><br>tyco electronics battery systems (tebs or tdi batteries), unit of tyco electronics, is a worldwide leader in the design and manufacture of custom battery packs and systems for any portable electronic device or stationary back-up power. at tebs, we provide powerful solutions for a wide range of oem applications, including: cellular telephones, laptop computers and pdas, power back-up, digital still & video cameras, two-way radios, data acquisition, test equipment, medical applications, handheld p.o.s. &gps, outdoor telecom ups. <br>tebs founded in 1975, the headquarter is in chicago , il , usa . we set up the manufacture plant in shanghai in 2000, to be an important business unit under raychem electronics. till now, there are nearly thousands of employees in shanghai .<br>tebs shanghai advocates “integrity, excellence, teamwork, and accountability” guided by tyco international to be an outstanding in the battery packs & systems yield in the wide world. we offer fin wages and kinds of development opportunity. welcome to join us.<br>welcome to visit our web at</p>查看更多
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當前位置: 人才網 > 江門人才網 > 瑞侃電子(上海)有限公司tebs事業部招聘