leshan-phoenix semiconductor company limited was founded in march 1st 1995. it is a joint venture invested by on semiconductor with leshan radio company and motorola. we are one of the most respected semiconductor manufacturing centers in china with a total investment of over us$ 500m, including a huge backend assembly-test plant and one wafer fab, which is under construction. total employees are over 2400.<br>樂山-菲尼克斯半導體有限公司成立于1995年03月01日,是由美國安森美半導體公司、樂山無線電股份有限公司和摩托羅拉公司合資興辦。作為中國卓越的半導體制造中心之一,樂山-菲尼克斯半導體有限公司的總投資額達5億多美元,包括已建成的大型后工序封裝廠及在建中的一個前工序芯片廠。目前公司員工總人數已超過2400名。<br><br>leshan-phoenix produces miniature standard surface mount semiconductors such as sot23, sc59, sod323, sc70, sc88/88a, sod523 and sc89 consisting of logic ic, transistors and diodes. the products are used in electronic equipment, automotive industry, communication systems, broad band data technology, computer and consumer electric products, etc.<br>公司目前主要產品為表面封裝的分立半導體元器件,如sot23,sc59,sod323,sc70,sc88/88a,sod523,sc89等(gp/rf三極管,二極管穩壓管,結型場效應三極管等),主要應用于電子及電氣設備、 汽車行業、通訊系統、寬帶數據技術、電腦和家用電器等產品。<br><br>lps空缺職位公告<br><br>聯系電話: (-)/(免費)</p>查看更多
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